Etowah County Schools Student Enrollment

Etowah County Schools now utilize PowerSchool, an online system for registering and updating student information. This solution eliminates the need to complete paper packets and creates an efficient means for updating information year after year. Please note the following details and dates for registration and proof of residence. All required documents must be reviewed and approved before your child’s registration is considered complete.

If you do not have access to a computer or mobile device (smart phone, tablet, etc) to complete online registration, please contact the school where your student will be enrolled next year.

If you receive an error or have questions on how to complete the student registration please see the Registration Knowledge Base linked here: Online Registration Knowledgebase and FAQ

Returning/Current Students for the 2024-2025 School Year

Snapcodes for the 2024-2025 School Year will be emailed soon. If you do not receive a snapcode by May 1, please check your spam folder or contact the school your student is currently enrolled to check the email the snapcode was emailed. It is important to make sure schools have the most up to date and current email, phone, and address information on students AND Guardians. Link should be available soon.

Step One: Complete Returning Student Registration

Parents should click the link below to access the PowerSchool Registration Page. Then, enter the 15 digit Student Snapcode to access the PowerSchool account and review and/or make any changes to the student information. Parents will need to certify the student's DOB. PowerSchool 'snapcodes' will be made available each spring for students returning the following school year, so that information can be updated. If you have not received the student SnapCode, email or call the registrar at the school where you student is currently enrolled. Each student is required to have their returning registration submitted online BEFORE school starts with the requested information required by the Alabama State Department of Education in order to attend school.

2024-2025 Returning Student Registration (English)

2024-2025 Returning Student Registration (Spanish)

If you have questions or need assistance with PowerSchool, contact support staff at 866.434.6276 (8am-5pm) or find assistance in the PowerSchool Community

Step Two: If necessary, visit the Etowah County School for which you are enrolling the student with documentation to support any changes made to the student information (example: change of address/proof of residence).

Register Online for the Extend Day Program
New Students

Step 1: Who needs to enroll?

  • Students who will be attending an Etowah County School for the first time (Enrolling kindergarten students NOT currently enrolled in ECS Preschool please register using the Kindergarten Registration Page)
  • Students new to the district (they have recently moved into the district or previously attended a private school or home-school)

If your child is currently enrolled in Preschool in Etowah County schools and will be enrolling in Kindergarten for the fall, guardians will be emailed a snapcode around May 1. If you do not receive one by May 10, please check your spam folder or contact the school your student is zoned for kindergarten.

Registering Kindergartners for the 2024-2025 school year who are not currently enrolled in Etowah County Schools in Preschool please register using this Kindergarten Registration Webpage Link (Click the link to the left)

2024-2025 School Year New Student Links - Make sure to enroll under the correct school year.

2024-2025 NEW Student Registration - English

2024-2025 New Student Registration - Spanish

Step 3: Visit the Etowah County School for which you are enrolling the student.

Download/view ECS Enrollment Reference Guide for a complete list of an acceptable forms of documentation.

You will need to provide the following:

  • Withdrawal Forms From Previous School
  • Proof of Custody When Warranted (See definition below)
  • Student’s Valid Social Security Card (optional)
  • Age Verification (Please refer to the ECS Student Enrollment Reference Guide)
  • Original Blue Immunization Form (Must be up-to- date)
  • Proof of Residency – Must provide two (2) of the following And Photo ID:

-Copy of lease or mortgage agreement -Copy of current utility bill in a parent’s/guardian’s name (power, gas, water, telephone, etc.) -Property Tax Notice, Voters Registration Card

Photo ID may include a driver’s license, a state identification card, a passport, or other official photo identification, such as an ID card obtained through an official government agency or consulate. *If the current utility bills are not in the parent or guardian’s name, an ”Affidavit of Residence” must be completed and notarized to verify that the student resides in the enrolling district before student can be enrolled (form provided by school office upon request)

If false information is provided, by the student, parent or guardian, in order to ensure enrollment of a non-resident or out of zone student, the principal may immediately withdraw the student upon discovery of the false information.

LEGAL CUSTODY DEFINITION Only the parent of record, legal guardian or parent with court approved custody shall be recognized and considered to be the legally authorized person in any school related matters pertaining to an individual student. The school system will afford a natural parent(s) of record the right that the Family Education Right and Privacy Act of 1974 affords him/her unless the court or a responsible party has provided the school system with a legal binding document that specifically revokes or extinguishes the parent(s)’ of record right to have knowledge of and participate in the child’s schooling. We do not accept custody papers that have ONLY been notarized. When the parent of record enrolls a student in school, the principal should be notified of any completed or pending legal action affecting the family and of any previous placement or expulsion at any school. The principal should be given a copy of the most recent court order creating or limiting the rights of the non-custodial parent(s) of record. Should neither parent(s) of record file a court order with the school, the school presumes that the person who enrolls the child in school is the custodial parent and that there are no restrictions on the other parent’s rights.

Please make sure you are registering in the correct Academic Year

If you are a returning student and fill out as new your submission will be deleted and required to do again as returning. If you registering a kindergartener for the next school year and fill out the 2024 new student you will be required to fill it out again in the 2025 New Student registration. If you have any questions please contact the enrolling school.